deKay's Lofi Gaming

Fallout 4 (PS4): COMPLETED!

Crawl out through the fallout, baby When they drop that bomb Crawl out through the fallout, baby With the greatest of aplomb Crawl out through the Fallout back to me! Oh yes. Fallout is BACK and I’ve bloody loved it. Fallout 3 and New Vegas were two of my favourite games from the last generation of consoles, and two of the most played. As soon as Fallout 4 was announced, I bought a PS4 so I’d have something to play …

Fallout: New Vegas (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

How kind of Amazon to give this away for free just after I’d played Fallout 3 which was also given away for free! Like with Fallout 3, I wanted to play this as A Bad Man, but actually, I didn’t. Well, not entirely. You see, I wasn’t really a big fan of all the factions in New Vegas, not least because none of them were truly “good”: The NCR wanted control and land, Caesar’s Legion wanted slaves and loved to …

Fallout 3 (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

I did so love Fallout 3 when it came out. I completed it, did all the DLC, got pretty much all the achievements and milked it for everything it had to offer. So why has it taken me so long to replay it? Well, it was so big that doing that again was a bit off-putting. But then, Epic gave it away for free and I now have a Steam Deck to play it on, so I thought, why not? …

The Outer Worlds (PS4): COMPLETED!

I didn’t know as much about this game, aside from people saying it’s a bit like Fallout only in space. That in itself was enough to buy it, but I didn’t realise it wasn’t just a bit like Fallout in space, it was Fallout in space. OK, so the main story is shorter, and areas are smaller, and you have to use a spaceship to get between them, but everything Fallout (New Vegas, mainly) is here. Factions. Companions. Weapon deterioration. …

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PS4): COMPLETED!

It was quite some time ago that I bought this, but as I’m trapped on the sofa recovering from an operation, I decided to start it this week. Which was a slight mistake to start with since I’d just had my stomach effectively torn open and the first ten minutes of Wolfenstein II has BJ also recovering from having his stomach torn open. In a much more horrific way, but still. Anyway. I’d enjoyed the previous two games in the …

104 Game Challenge

Just like last year, this year I took part in the RetroCollect 52 Game Challenge. The idea was to complete, uh, 52 games in a single year. Back in June, I successfully became the first person taking part to hit the 52 game barrier. But I wasn’t going to stop there. With the challenge over before the year was half done, I aimed for 104 games. The 104 Game Challenge, if you will. For the less mathematical of my readers, …

Life is Strange: Episode 5 (PS4): COMPLETED!

It is impossible to talk about this. As well as spoilers, not least the MASSIVE CHOICE necessary at the end, there’s also the fact that the choices I’ve made throughout the series slightly change how Life is Strange: Episode 5 panned out for me. So I won’t talk about the story any more than to say this: I was not disappointed, the decision at the end was hard to make, and although I saw some of it coming, it played …

Life is Strange: Episode 1 (PS4): COMPLETED!

You heard right. That there PS4 isn’t a typo. I now have an actual Playstation 4. I blame Fallout 4. Anyway, with new consoles come new powers to play different games, and so the first game I bought and played (and completed) is Episode 1 of Life is Strange, a game I could have bought and played on at least two other consoles I already owned. Um. Life is Strange is, so far, superb. It’s a great story and an …

Fallout: New Vegas: Lonesome Road (360)

It would appear my time in the Mojave Wasteland is coming to an end. Lonesome Road is the final story-based DLC for New Vegas, and the two other DLC packs (Courier’s Stash and Gun Runner’s Arsenal) don’t add a great deal. I’m also now a Level 48 character, with all bar Unarmed and Melee stats at max, and SPECIAL pretty much all 8/9/10, I’m almost done. Having said that, I’ve still the Gun Runner’s achievements to do, and I’ve got …

Fallout: New Vegas: Dead Money (360): COMPLETED!

Now you see, I wasn’t going to buy the first lot of DLC for New Vegas for two reasons. One, I thought I’d give another game a chance, and two, if Oblivion and Fallout 3 are anything to go by then it’ll come down in price in a few months. Of course, since when has saying I’m not going to buy something ever meant anything? Of course I bought it the day it was available. And today I completed it. …

Fallout: New Vegas (360): COMPLETED YET AGAIN!

After spending an hour or two learning the rules of Caravan and then rinsing No-Bark Noonan of all his caps, I got the Win 3 and 30 Games of Caravan achievements. That left me with 4 achievements – one for getting banned from all the casinos on the strip, one for completing the game in Hardcore Mode, and the remaining two for the two final NCR quests. So, after almost 100 hours total play, I finally completed New Vegas the …